Guide to Integrated SaaS Payment Processing

Today, about 76% of businesses and consumers love the convenience of paying online. Your software needs to take payments. Integrated payments are the idea of combining your payments with software. This is a guide to integrated SaaS payment processing. What does not having payment processing entail for business owners? Keeping financial records organized becomes increasingly...

Marching Toward a Digital and Cashless Society

From coin shortages and curbside operations to contactless transactions, how consumers pay for their purchases has been completely transformed during the pandemic. Contactless payments lead marching toward a digital and cashless society. Marketers expect that transformation to continue and expand. The digital payments industry continues to mature at an accelerated pace. Shoppers will see new...

Digital Wallet Users to Exceed 4.4B by 2025

Stimulated by the COVID-19 pandemic, its expected the number of unique digital wallet users to exceed 4.4B by 2025, up from 2.6 billion in 2020, according to a recent study from Juniper Research. The total amount spent through digital wallets is also expected to nearly double to $10 trillion annually by 2025 from $5.5 trillion...

Proactively Fighting Digital Payment Fraud In 2021

The trend toward digitization has been building momentum over the past few years. Since the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, it’s even faster, especially in the payment industry. Cash apps, digital wallets and card-not-present (CNP) transactions are replacing cash, checks and physical credit cards. Meanwhile, fraudulent activity across digital channels is ramping up. Merchants are...