Google Has Banned The Zoom App From All Employee Computers Due To ‘Security Vulnerabilities’

Google has banned the use of Zoom on employees’ computers, according to a new report. The company alerted employees last week that it would disable the service, citing security vulnerabilities. It’s the latest, but not the first, company to ban Zoom across its business. Google has barred employees from using Zoom on company computers, BuzzFeed...

How to Recognize and Avoid Phishing Scams

What is Phishing? Phishing is the cute, nautical-sounding term for what is actually quite a serious problem. According to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), phishing is defined as the situation in which “internet fraudsters impersonate a business to trick you into giving out your personal information”. The fraudulent party is typically after credit card data...

PCI Security Standards: 9 Best Practices

PaidYET is completely compliant with PCI SCC data security standards so that in addition to the convenience of payment links and integrated invoicing capabilities, merchants can relax knowing their virtual point of sale solution is secure. In addition to using PaidYET, here are 9 of the PCI SCC's best practices.

Make Paying Invoices Easy For Clients

A big part of running a successful business is making sure the payment of an invoice is as easy as possible for your client. When you make the payment process longer or more complicated than it need be, your cash flow suffers and the relationship between you and your client may take a hit. Maintaining...

How Late Payment Impact Small Businesses

Late payments cost small and mid-sized businesses as much as $3 trillion globally, according to a new economic report from Sage. With 1 in 10 invoices failing to be paid on time, the study reports up to 10% of payments are either never paid or paid so late that businesses are forced to write them...